Monday, 13 February 2012

Stone wall

I thought it time to start texturing, just to get some colour in there so i could get a sense of how things were shaping up. Changing the colour in a level really changes the feel of the whole place so getting some base textures in now was essential. I started with my sandstone walls that would go around the top half of the lobby and bring out the warm orange of the level.

First i took my reference images and decided which i would use and which had the cleanest texture quality then using lens correct i fixed the images to a grid. This would ensure that each brick had straight edges and all the corners would be to 90 degrees. 

I then picked out bricks of my choice from the reference images i had collected and straightened.

Next i created a grid and measured in each brick giving them a width of 2 grid paces and a hight of 1, off setting each row to give it a brick wall effect.

Here are the lined up bricks, some are copies mirrored or rotated and certain bricks have brightness variation.

The colour was not the type i was looking for so go get my colour going in the right direction i found a photo that i liked the stone colour of and overlaid it. 

I further tweaked with the colours and levels to get something like this. 
(Other assets are not textured but with have a similar colour palette.) 

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