[Banner image by: Tamas Gaspar]
This is blog will follow the progression of my FMP for 3rd year game art.
Deciding on a final scene fit enough for an FMP was challenging but i had a rough idea of where i was heading. I wanted to do an indoor scene with many detailed smaller assets and grand architectural foundations. A public place or at least a place where many people visit on a daily basis. I also knew i wanted an interesting story to my environment, shown through exploration and discovery of the level. Remaining a still scene, the surroundings would portray an interesting plot from a visual level.
The idea that fixated me the most was a bank robbery. The scene would be littered with debris from where the robbers had entered leading to the vault, sprung and empty. Sirens wiring and distant exterior police sirens blaring this level would be full if excitement and interest even though it will fundamentally be a still piece. I am personally interested in interaction so there will be plenty of things the player can interact with. Maybe lasers to be tripped or metal detectors to beep.
I want the setting to be a still morning with a strong sense of natural sunrise in the lobby. light shafts pouring through the celling where the robbers made their entrance. Dust will still be present in the air allowing for some interesting lighting and effects.
This will be the Next Day.
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